Archive | February, 2011

A Roller Coaster Ride – book review

22 Feb

I don’t write book reviews, hell I don’t even read a lot of books. But this particular book kind of forced me to do so.


Few days back I was browsing through infibeam and came across this book thought it would be a good time-pass for a boring journey. How terribly wrong I was.

It was a big bag of cliches with really bad proof reading. I mean I know I am not a grammarian myself, rather really bad at it but people at Sristhi Publishers have surpassed me hands down.

And to add to my frustration there were really really positive review for it on flip-kart and Infibeam, but when someone called it a masterpiece … a part of me literally died.


The writer of the book, seems to be very confused so he fused all the mirch-masala possible in this book, and ended up cooking a dish which doesn’t even look good, leave alone the taste.


Story : well I tried thrice writing it down … but fell short of words to describe to stupidensiocity of it. (of course that’s a made up word, sue me)


Why Am I so frust : Because I being a cheap, bought the original book and being lazy, read the whole book.


I strongly recommend you to chop your hands with a machete before you lay them on this “masterpiece”.


PS:- I don’t know how to write a book review, you may refer to this for some sensible and rest nonsense reviews.

PS:– My apologies to the writer and the publisher for such negativity, but Yeh! It was that bad.

PS:— Image source – this.