Archive | October, 2009

Let The Men Hold Pinkies Campaign

27 Oct

Dear Readers,

I am writing this with a very heavy heart. It’s high time for all of us to unite. We’ve ignored this problem for so long, but now we’ll not any more.

As you know, that out freedom is at stake, freedom to express yourself openly, without any questions arising. I still remember those times when a guy and another guy and roam around freely, without hesitation. Nobody questioned their orientation even when they walk swinging their hand holding their pinkies. I know it sounds too good to be true, but that was such time … the golden 90’s.


But by the end of first decade of 2000 everything has changed. It all started with that vicious big budget multi starrer movie “which can’t be named” (Obviously the writer is referring to Karan Johar’s DOSTANA).

That was the start of actual AD (After Dostana), and within a year everything changed. All the straight male started getting emotionally harassed, by the people they considered their own, their sisters, cousins, friends, gal friends even in worst case their mothers and grandma’s.

They could no more stay alone with another male friend of theirs. Hugging and pulling each other was like a taboo. Shaking hands was allowed but not holding them. We tried to fit us in with all the rules, but still the taunts never stopped, every day every hour, never went without mention of “you know which movie”.

But as I said, It’s time to say no. If we don’t do anything now, then it would be too late. What kind of country do you want to give you male child, the country with every day every hour questions him. How to go out, how to behave with other guys? How would you face you child when he grow up and ask you, why Dad why didn’t you do something when the problem was emerging, why did you waited till it was too late… That moment will definitely suck. Let’s not wait for that moment to arrive, let’s do something now … like the king of rock and roll the great mighty Elvis said ones –“It’s now or never

So, I humbly urge you all to agree to sign a PIL with me, to put stop to all this right now, let’s make “you know which” movie forbidden to Indian females. And make it illegal to comment on a man and a man relationship. Let’s make this as huge as the pink chaddi campaign.

Let’s tell them, that we are united and we’ll not tolerate this anymore. We will if needed could go till Amaran Anshan(till death hunger strike). We’ll call this …

Let The Men Hold Pinkies Campaign


PS : first Pic Courtesy Shelly.


19 Oct


Out of all the things RED depicts,

One thing is common the emotional extremity,

The RED attire of the bride,

Personification of purity,

RED cloth tying her and the groom,

Representation of integrity

Out of all the things RED depicts,

One thing is common the emotional extremity.



With the big RED letters

They write the word ‘danger’

And so the expression of going RED

Is used for extreme anger

From sweetness of RED apple

To the spicy hot RED chili

Out of all the things RED depicts,

One thing is common the emotional extremity.



RED is the color of blood

It is a vital part of the living,

Then again the color RED is

The symbol of sorrow and mourning

From the socialists RED flag

To the reason of bull’s insanity

Out of all the things RED depicts,

One thing is common the emotional extremity.

PS:- BTW if you are wondering about the image … that “red” written in ‘webdings’ font.